

Get Raise At Work: 7 Tips

When you’re aiming for a raise at your job, it’s important to not just ask for it directly, but also demonstrate to your boss why you’re deserving of it. This involves showing that you bring value to the company and are worth the extra pay you’re seeking

This article will highlight the significance of proving your worth for a raise and offer you some helpful tips on how to go about achieving this goal. 

Get Raise at Work. Tips. Salary Raise.

Why is it important to prove you deserve a raise?

Well, if you want that bump in your salary, you’ve got to show your boss that you’re worth the extra investment. Most employers understand the value of having a happy and appreciated team. When you take the steps to convince your manager that you’re a valuable part of the team, you set yourself up for future opportunities like promotions and raises. 

Here are 7 tips to help you get a raise at work

1. Be proactive 

Seek out ways to predict what your boss and team might require. This demonstrates to higher-ups that you’re capable, driven, and a valuable addition to the company. Moreover, your manager will value any assistance that enhances office efficiency and simplifies their responsibilities. 

2. Show a positive attitude

Foster positive relationships with your coworkers to create a joyful and enjoyable work atmosphere. Employees who exude positivity are often acknowledged by higher-ups as crucial team members with a lasting impact. When you treat your colleagues with kindness, you’re essentially forming alliances who can vouch for you when the opportunity for a promotion or raise arises. 

3. Keep learning

Look for opportunities to improve your skill set and broaden your knowledge, such as: 

  • Asking insightful questions
  • Observing how your superiors work and lead
  • Reading educational books
  • Taking online courses
  • Participating in conferences and workshops

By consistently learning new things, you can showcase your value and demonstrate your dedication to personal and professional growth. Your company might even cover the expenses for these opportunities if they’re relevant to your job or industry. 

4. Set realistic expectations

Invest time in researching the earning potential of individuals in your industry, with your job title and in related positions. You can use resources like the Indeed salary index, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics data, or gather insights from friends and family in similar fields. Once you’re aware of the salary range for peers with your job title, you can establish practical expectations. 

This knowledge also equips you to effectively negotiate a reasonable pay increase. 

5. Communicate clearly

Employers often juggle numerous tasks and a large workforce, making it challenging to closely monitor each employee. Frequently, they might not realize your dissatisfaction with your current compensation unless you explicitly express it. Be direct with your supervisor, sharing details about your contributions and how you perceive your role. 

6. Be patience

Obtaining a pay raise might take time, even after you’ve requested it and have showcased your value. Remember to remain patient as your boss considers your appeal. They might need approval from higher authorities before finalizing a decision. 

7. Choose the right timing

Despite your consistent hard work and evidence of your value, sometimes poor timing can hinder managers from recognizing your accomplishments with a raise. For instance, many companies review raises after a year or two of employment. Here are opportune moments to request a raise: 

During calmer periods:
Instead of seeking a raise amid a chaotic or stressful phase, wait until
 things stabilize. This ensures your manager has the time and focus to discuss your case. 

After completing a significant project:
Seize the opportunity after showcasing your competence by requesting a raise following impressive work or the conclusion of a major project. 

During your annual performance evaluation:
Performance reviews often present an ideal chance to seek a raise. Your supervisor might anticipate this conversation during evaluations, making it a suitable time to initiate a dialogue about compensation. 

In conclusion, asking for a raise is mostly about showcasing your value and contributions. Remember, it’s important to know your worth, especially when you have a record of accomplishments. So, approach the conversation confidently, and you’ll be well on your way to attaining the raise you rightfully deserve. 


Connect with us and we’ll help you get the salary you are aiming for. Tally is a leading recruitment agency in Malaysia, specializing in providing comprehensive recruitment solutions for white-collar professionals. We help Fortune 500 companies, MNC, public listed companies, IPO, large-scale enterprises, small and medium businesses in achieving their recruitment goals and fulfilling their hiring needs. 

You can also drop your resume at and see if we can match you with your next job!