

How Remote Working is The Future

COVID-19 completely shifted the way we work, perhaps forever. When lockdowns were imposed and offices had to close down, everyone had to quickly adapt to remote work. At first, it was hard to predict how this would affect businesses, employees, and the economy. But once things settled down a bit, a new reality began to emerge. Remote working was no longer a luxury – but a necessity. And as companies adapted to this new way of working, they discovered many benefits. 

How Remote Working is The Future. Work From Home. Work Remote. Remotely

Now, as we start thinking about what work will look like in the future, it’s pretty clear that remote working is here to stay. And it means there are exciting new opportunities for skilled professionals all over the world. Whether you’re a freelancer, on a contract, or a full-time employee, you can be anywhere in Asia to work for another company, for example, in the US. The rise of remote working has created a truly borderless job market. 

Now, as we start thinking about what work will look like in the future, it’s pretty clear that remote working is here to stay. And it means there are exciting new opportunities for skilled professionals all over the world. Whether you’re a freelancer, on a contract, or a full-time employee, you can be anywhere in Asia to work for another company, for example, in the US. The rise of remote working has created a truly borderless job market. 

As companies are embracing remote working, they’re opening the door to an international pool of talent like never before. 

Here are some of the benefits of remote work: 

1. Increased Productivity

As per a study carried out by ConnectSolutions, people who work remotely experienced fewer distractions, leading to a remarkable improvement in their overall efficiency. The findings were quite intriguing—77% of remote workers acknowledged that they could get more tasks done, thanks to the absence of disturbances. Additionally, 62% attributed the better quality of their work to the peaceful work environment remote setups provide. Remote working also eliminates the need for commuting, and wasting tons of hours in the traffic jam, saving them both time and money. They can choose to work during their most productive hours, anywhere they like. 

Hence, this shows that remote work not only offers flexibility but also enhanced productivity among employees from different geographical locations. 

2. Work-Life Balance

Malaysians have long yearned for a better work-life balance. Remote working has granted this wish, breathing new life into the age-old struggle of juggling career aspirations with personal commitments. Commutes that once consumed precious hours are now replaced with extra time for family, hobbies, and self-care. 

As the country embraces remote work, the concept of productivity is undergoing a profound transformation. It’s no longer about being chained to a desk for a set number of hours. Instead, it’s about delivering results efficiently, regardless of location. This paradigm shift is empowering Malaysians to structure their work around their lives, rather than the other way around. 

3. Cost Savings

With the rise of remote working, both employees and businesses in Malaysia are reaping economic benefits. Companies are discovering that they can cut overhead costs by downsizing office spaces and investing in virtual infrastructure. This new practice allows businesses to allocate resources to areas that truly matter, such as employee development and innovation. 

For employees, remote working translates to reduced transportation costs, wardrobe expenses, and daily meal expenditures. This not only contributes to personal savings but also aligns with sustainability goals by reducing carbon emissions associated with daily commutes. 


Remote Working's Promising Future

The shift to remote working is not just a temporary solution to a crisis; it’s a fundamental change in the way we work. As Malaysians continue to adopt this flexible work arrangement, several key trends emerge that underline the future of remote working. 

Hybrid working is now an option. 

The future workplace will likely blend the best of both worlds: remote work for tasks that require focus and autonomy, and physical office time for collaborative endeavors. This flexibility caters to a diverse range of working styles and preferences. 

Upskilling and reskilling will become paramount. 

Remote working demands a set of digital skills that go beyond the traditional skill set. Malaysians are likely to see a surge in training opportunities aimed at enhancing virtual collaboration, digital communication, and cybersecurity awareness. 

Trust will remain a cornerstone.  

Remote working thrives in an environment of trust, discipline and autonomy. As companies in Malaysia continue to foster a culture that values result over micromanagement, employees will be empowered to take ownership of their work and deliver exceptional results.

In conclusion, remote work is no longer a glimpse into the future—it is the future. As remote work is booming, and it’s not just about working in your PJs (although that’s a nice perk!). It’s actually a rare opportunity for career growth, skill development, and new exposure. If you want to be successful in this rapidly evolving job market, you should always stay up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices in remote work.  


Interested in exploring remote jobs? Connect with us for job opportunities tailored for you. Tally is a leading recruitment agency in Malaysia, specializing in providing comprehensive recruitment solutions for white-collar professionals. We help Fortune 500 companies, MNC, public listed companies, IPO, large-scale enterprises, small and medium businesses in achieving their recruitment goals and fulfilling their hiring needs. 

You can also drop your resume at and see if we can match you with your next job!